An International Problem

A blueprint for today’s practices 

Concerns have been growing worldwide regarding the swiftness of child protection services to remove children from their homes. Some countries have developed groups to fight back against what they see as kidnapping. Norway is one of the most active in exposing issues, getting mainstream world news on various cases.

What is interesting is how so many stories from other countries are easy to find.  Many are in the mainstream news. Though in Israel, hardly anything is written in the mainstream, and the Hebrew language means that bloggers and social media videos are impossible for the rest of the world to understand.

From east to west, north to south, there are few countries untouched by the work of CPS which seems to have a radical feminist agenda in most cases.  Stories are now flooding the internet of children either legally kidnapped, or systematically taken from loving parents.  The methods are startling in how similar they are across the world.

The children worldwide have been in peril for many decades as CPS grows stronger in their strategy to have children raised away from their parents.  The small research shows the problem is growing and the next generation is in danger of never knowing the experience of growing with their biological families.



Even Baltic countries have accused Norway, UK and Finland of stealing children, which raised to higher diplomatic levels:

(click here and view the article)

Norwegian child welfare agency Barnevernet forcing family dismantling.

(click here and view the article)

Englands stolen children became a topic for a French Documentary.

(click here and view the article 1) (click here and view the article 2)

Canadian activists fight to this day – but with a long history of indigenous children being seized from their parents in the famous 60’s Scoop.

(click here and view the article)

Up to the 1970’s Australian Aborigines faced similar thefts of their children:

(click here and view the article)

Native American Children in North Dakota, 700 per year are taken from normative parents by welfare services.

(click here and view the article)

The French are no exception:

(click here and view the article)

The German Jugendamt – CPS, are one of the most feared authorities, and many international mainstream newspapers have exposed the practises.

(click here and view the article)

In the USA, much more is written about the ‘business of children’, and how children are taken to achieve adoption quotas, for profit.
The taboo of thousands of children stolen in China and sold for adoption was also exposed:

(click here and view the article)

The lucrative business of profits made in adopting many stolen children from India is also news:

(click here and view the article 1) (click here and view the article 2)

Bureaucratic complications and the complex Italian legal system not only pave the way for children’s removal, but also impede their return.

(click here and view the article)

For two decades ‘permanent kidnappings’ occurred up to the 1990s in Chile:

(click here and view the article)

Every story around the world has one common theme, the considered State Violence of separating children and parents:

(click here and view the article)

Stories from as far as Sierra Leone uncovered child trafficking for USA adoptions:

(click here and view the article)